My writing class was ok, the playwrite Ben Musgrave ran it. He was interesting, much better than a regular class. I read his play, "Pretend You Have Big Buildings" the night before, it was ok, not the jolly, upbeat play he thought it was, but it did play with the setting a lot, which is what he talked about most the the time.
For the introductions, he wanted us to all answer a bunch of questions. One of them was to talk about a place that was meaningful to you, so I wrote about Tiger Stadium. He was incredibly interested in what I had to say. At the end, he said, 'brilliant.' I was excited.
After class I went to the library and read about Munich. I'm not feeling all that prepared for it.
Improv was solid, the performance is all coming together, I have a big part in it, I'm going to be in about half the things we do (or so).
After class I caught up with the blogs and did a little more Muniching. My RedEye column didn't run today, I'm a little nervous about that. I should probably email Brian to see if he just didn't like it or what, but I'm sorta curious to why it didn't run and when I should send my next one in. I was assuming this would happen someday, I just didn't want it to, it sort of messes with my confidence.
I met up with Annie, Heidi, and Paul at the Golden Hind, which was just down Marylebone High Street (a really cool area around the corner from me) and I sat with them while they ate (I had already ate). It was nice, although I came by the time they were already almost done with their meals.
I came back and since it was so nice outside (about 55 degrees), I went up on the roof of the library across the street, stole some wifi, and typed this up while I Skyped ma. This is probably going to be my spot here, sort of like how Buckingham Fountain was in Chicago, I just wish the view here was a little better. And it would be nice if I didn't have to sit on wooden carts, but no complaints.
I saw the Bob Dylan is going to be in Stockholm when I am (and playing a super small club show on Sunday) so I might try to go there. I think I'll see him in London and I'm thinking I'll fly to Dublin when he's there the first week in May and see him. I'm excited. I also think I'll buy a ticket for Calvin Harris in May.
Tomorrow I have classes (we're going to the Somerset House, which I'm sorta excited about) and then the play class should be good too. I'm going to put a lot of time into Germany over the next bit here, I imagine it'll be sort of a stressful couple days. I don't have any firm plans for what to do except I want to see Dachau and maybe a opera on Friday (tickets are cheap). Should be interesting.
I also watched a bit of the USA in the WBC, the first baseball I saw all year.
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