We played rumy and I dominated. I've been on a card streak lately. I went and got the most expensive Starbucks ever and then came up and we hung out until 6 when we went over by the gates. There were tons of comfortable couches and nice stores open over there. Whoops.
We were all pretty tired and we decided to just sit. We talked about superheros, in particular what 'heat vision' was (I think it's like shooting lasers out of your eyes). Then we started talking about lame superheros, like Comfortable Man and Ziplock Bag Man. We were tired.
I slept the entire plane trip. We were in the back, and I hadn't been for a long time and it was rather bumpy when I was awake. I think I woke up as we landed.
It was easy leaving the airport, and since we got out early, we took the bus an hour early, which was really nice.
I tried to sleep but I couldn't at home. So I booked German hostels, my Stockholm trip (arrive late Sunday, leave Monday night, about £25, a steal. There will be a night in the airport though.) Amy will only be there Saturday and Sunday, but it should be good. I don't care if I do a ton in Stockholm, I'd be cool with just hanging out in cafes or writing somewhere.
Today is Commonwealth Day, and there is a big ceremony down at Westminster Abbey. So I went in hopes of seeing the Queen.
A little after 3, with the bells of the Abbey going off, a fancy car came up and Prince Phillip and the Queen of England got out. I could only see her from behind, but it was cool. I wasn't super close, so it wasn't that cool, but cool nonetheless. I'm planning on trying to see her again.
I walked back and went to Tesco to get some food, including my second installment of 'Scott tries British candy,' a 'Twirl' from Cadbury. They're like Twix bars, except with twirled chocolate inside. A good and different tasting chocolate.
When I came back to my room, disaster struck. I think my computer cord is broke, I can sort of jiggle it and make it work, but the computer is dead and there's no way to charge it. I don't really know where to go to try to get a replacement or anything. Not sure what'll happen. I couldn't top up my phone either, so I was out of a phone. My credit card kept being declined as well. And I had a column, which I spent the last couple days working on, due that night. And I had a play to go to, wasn't sure what time it was, and in general completely flipping out.
Apparently daylight savings time happened in the States and not here, so I called ma and freaked out. But it ended up being okay. I wrote the column again (it was probably more concise this way around too) and sent it in. I went to the phone store and topped up (calling from outside the UK is super expensive) and figured out I had about an hour before the show. I was ok.
I went and saw 'Over There' an experimental two-man show about Berlin after the wall came down, incredibly timely for me. It was good if not completely bizarre (one of the characters covered himself in food).
On the way back I stopped at Borders and bought a Berlin and Munich book, as well as a Starbucks. Then I came back to the computer lab and typed this up, it's sort of a pain, but I'm really lucky the labs are open 24 hours and it's literally 15 feet away from where I live. I'm thinking tomorrow I can get the cord taken care of. I'm also going to go to the Childhood Museum for class and I need to do a little work on some of my other papers. I might end up reading a lot if the computer doesn't get resolved. Who knows. I'm beat now so I'm going to go to sleep and hopefully get up early tomorrow.
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